NZ Heritage Maps Platform

This site has been provided by NZMS to make available to the public the high resolution images of large format maps created during the early european settlement and exploration of New Zealand.
Early New Zealand maps (mahere rangahau) were draughted by surveyors in the mid-19th century and are stored for LINZ at Archives NZ. Many of these maps are extremely large and fragile due to deterioration over time. The ability to enlarge and move around the map opened up a new way to learn and share.
We have unlocked the footprints and settlements of our settler and Māori forebears into a virtual landscape for future generations to view and interact with. Land Information NZ has made it possible for these delicate maps, that are held by Archives NZ on behalf of all New Zealanders, to be digitised by NZMS in high resolution for open access to all interested parties.
Feel free to browse the maps in this collection and to enjoy the detail in the maps. You are able to download a high resolution jpg version of the maps.